Meeting ADA Title II Digital Accessibility Requirements

Resources to Support Units with Auditing, Assessing, and Remediating their Digital Content


The following resources will help you audit and remediate digital content, ensuring they meet the requirements outlined in the updated ADA Title II standards. See below for the recommended tools and resources to assist you with identifying and determining the accessibility of your documents, websites, audio/video content, and supplemental applications:.

Locating media content (i.e., audio, video, and documents) on your websites and course sites

The following resources will assist you with locating the media content (i.e., audio, video, and documents) hosted on your website:

The following resources will assist you with locating the media content (i.e., audio, video, and documents) hosted in your course site:

Evaluating the Accessibility of your Websites

Web accessibility audits involve the use of both automated and manual testing tools. These tools evaluate the level to which your website meets the updated ADA Title II standards (i.e., WCAG 2.1), ensuring access for all users, not just those with disabilities. They also improve your website's search engine optimization (SEO) and make it easier for individuals to access your website using a mobile device.

The automated process includes the use of testing tools that "crawl" your website looking for accessibility issues (e.g., missing alt text, poor hyperlink text, color contrast issues, etc.). These web governance solutions typically provide an initial assessment of your website, highlight any accessibility issues, and pinpoints the location of those issues. Automated scans, however, will only catch issues with your HTML, CSS, and/or javascript code. These issues, while important, are only a part of the overall picture. These tools are UNABLE to test against issues that are more subjective (e.g., the quality of an image's alternative text description). For this reason, it is very important to include manual testing as a part of your auditing plan.

Manual testing is completed using assistive technologies like screen reading applications, screen enlarging software, voice recognition software, and other alternative keyboard and mouse options. Unlike automated tools that scan several pages at a time, manual reviews are conducted one page at a time. This process can more accurately identify how accessibility issues effect the usability of your website (e.g., quality of video captions).

DubBot is a web-governance solution that can assist with determining how accessible your public-facing websites are. Additionally, it enables units to monitor their websites for broken links, spelling errors, and readability, enhancing engagement from members of the George Mason community.

DubBot web governance dashboard

See below for information on how to use this resource:

The ATI recommends the following resources for manually identifying issues on your website(s):

Check out the resources below for more information on using the WAVE and ANDI tools:

For testing color contrast, the ATI recommends units use either TPGI's free Colour Contrast Analyser (CCA) or WebAIM's Contrast Checker. Both tools will ensure email communications, documents, social media, etc. meet the latest ADA Title II standards governing contrast between foreground text and background colors (i.e., WCAG Success Criterion 1.4.3 opens a new window). Furthermore, they will assist you with ensuring your digital content is optimized for individuals with color-blindness and/or low vision. See below for a video demonstration of both tools on YouTube opens a new window (6:44):

See below for information on how to use these resources:

See below for some of the most common accessibility issues found on web pages:

For more information on these issues and how to fix them on your website, visit the ATI's ICT Accessibility Standards opens a new window.

Evaluating the Accessibility of your Documents

The following resources will assist you with identifying the documents hosted on your course site:

The following resources will provide guidance on some of the most common accessibility issues in documents:

Evaluating the Accessibility of your Audio/Video Content

Determining how accessible or inaccessible your audio and/or video content may be is a manual process. Consider these factors when determining if your content is compliant with the updated ADA Title II accessibility standards:

Right now, there are no specific recommendations for audio-only content platforms. If units have questions or concerns about the accessibility of their audio-only content, please consult the ATI Office.

As for video platforms, the three most commonly used at Mason are Kaltura, YouTube, and Vimeo. At the present date, all these platforms are accessible from the standpoint that they support closed captions, transcripts, separate tracks for audio description, and they can be navigated by individuals using assistive technologies (i.e., keyboard-only access, screen readers). See below for more resources:

Auditing your Supplemental Apps

The Supplemental Application Decision Tree can assist you with making accessibility-related decisions regarding your supplemental resources. See below for guidance:

Supplemental application decision tree. Visit the link below for a detailed description.

For a detailed description, click Detailed Decision Tree Description.