Summer 2024

This webpage was developed by Priscilla Hudson as part of the George Mason University course EDIT526.

My Summer Plans

This summer is starting with a bang. I'm feeling a mixture of excitement, restlessness, and some level of anxiety. Here's a few things that are happening this summer, delineated by month.

May 2024 Events

June 2024 Events

July 2024 Events

August 2024 Events

Cabin Trip in Lost City, West Viginia

Trip Summary

This turned out to be a fantastic trip. I embarked on this trip with my fiance, a few friends, and two dogs. We hit the road on Saturday, May 25th around noon. Our first stop was in Manassas, Virginia at a local grocery store.

We bought some deli counter sandwiches, snacks, and other treats. After this, we continued to Shenandoah National Park and completed a 4 mile hike. A couple of photos from the hike are below.

A bearded man sitting on a forest log, looking at a resting small gray and black Aussiedoodle. An Eastern box turtle withdrawn into its yellow and black shell on the muddy forest floor

Unfortunately, it began raining about 20 minutes into the hike.

Did you know that rain isn't pure water, or H2O? Read about the chemical composition of rain.

The path back was still long, so we tried to play word games and tell stories to pass the time.

It was trying, but we emerged victorious after over an hour of hiking.

The evening concluded with pizza from a local restaurant in a gorgeous, secluded cabin. My only regret is that we couldn't stay longer.

Guess the Trip Cost

Before reading further, consider the following cost components of this trip:

How much would you estimate this trip cost?

Cost of the Trip

Here's a breakdown of how much this trip cost.

Pie chart showing the cost of the cabin trip by spending category, described in detail below.


The chart shows the trip cost, broken down by three categories:

Total Cost of Lodging
Total Cost of Food
Total Cost of Transportation

Table of Cabin Trip Costs by Spending Category

Pre-Trip Costs Saturday, May 25th Sunday, May 25th
Lodging $482 $0 $0
Food $24 $210 $35
Transportation $0 $10 $35

The grand total for this trip was $796 or about $160 per person.

Based on the provided cost information of the cost, please use the form below to submit feedback.

Opinion of Trip Cost