Saint Bridget Recieves the Teaching of Her Order


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Accessibility and Art History College Courses

Paragraph the 2nd. Many national organizations discuss teaching best practices in art history, but few address online accessibility. An example can be found here: College Art Association

Ideas for Innovation

Paragraph the 3rd.
  1. Include text descriptions of images.
  2. All videos should have captions.
  3. Encourage diverse assignment modalities.
Accessibility Survey of Summer Classes
Course Name Content Accessibility Score (Out of 100)
Art Appreciation Powerpoint 100%
World Art I PDF Readings 100%
Foundations of Art Videos 80%

fresco mural school of athens by raphael

This is a painting from 1511 by the Italian painter Raphael. Created during the Renaissance, Raphael depicts philosophers, mathematicians, musicians, deities, and even himself. Artists from this time were expected to know a little about everything, and Raphael is demonstrating his skill in many different subjects. You can find out more about this painting at the following link: Vatican Museum

Pop Quiz!

Which artist(s) would have appreciated accessible design?

hosts special days where blind or low-sighted individuals can touch sculputres on display in its galleries.